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Eurythmy on Skis
Eurythmy on Skis deepens your connection to the slope, to your body, to yourself and the surrounding nature.
No knowledge of eurythmy is required to practice eurythmy on skis. Eurythmy is simple and the focus is on experiencing new possibilities. Basic skiing skills are sufficient.
Those who know eurythmy and eurythmy therapy may discover the deeper meaning of the sound gestures anew whilst skiing. Eurythmy enthusiasts receive useful suggestions for their own practice.
60 Minutes Eurythmy on Skis
The ultimate video for your ski eurythmy evening at home. Definitely a great inspiration for skiing on the slopes.
Laura Pham-Guerrero (Berlin) interprets works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and other composers.
Eurythmy on Skis with Mozart, Andante cantabile
Our first attempts in 2014
The book (in German only)
Theodor Hundhammer, Eurythmie auf Skiern
The world's first multimedia step-by-step eurythmy textbook (in German).
244 pages, over 200 photos and sketches
Detailed description of eurythmy and its gestures. Euro 19.20, e.g. at Amazon
Full text in our course on this site (in German)