Eurythmy with copper rods

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In this series of six exercises with the copper rods and their variations you learn:

  1. to integrate the rod and yourself into the geometrical order of the forces of space
  2. to allow the forces of levity surrounding you to become active in your body
  3. to awaken your sensory perception in your back
  4. to manage the self-regulating fine motor skills of your hands and fingers from without
  5. to develop a communicative relationship to the space surrounding you
  6. and to let go

We explain the exercises and show you different variations what you can discover through practice.. Then we combine the movements of the arms with the legs and walking forms. We'll show you how this dialogue between arms and legs can succeed without the head controlling it. In this way you strengthen the interaction of the upper and lower system, your body perception and your connection with yourself.

Noch kein gehämmerter Kupferstab zur Hand?

Dann nehmen Sie für den Anfang einen schlanken 16 bis 20mm dicken und ca. 80 cm langen Holzstab, der Ihnen angenehm in der Hand liegt.
Auf die Dauer sollten Sie sich aber doch für einen gehämmerten nahtlosen Kupferstab entscheiden, um von der Wirkung der Stabübungen auf Ihren Organismus mehr zu profitieren.

Hammered copper rods for eurythmy are made at the Hilden Metal Studio: Video

Twelvefold Rod Excercise

R2-1 twelvefold rod excercise Part 1- Basics
Basic aspects of the exercise

R2-2 twelvefold rod exercise Part 2- Tips and Tricks
Tips & Tricks

R2-3 twelvefold rod exercise Part 3- Stages of levity
Stages of Levity

R2-4 twelvefold rod-exercise with six pointed star
Twelvefold rod exercise with six pointed star

Spiral Rod Exercise

R3-1 Spiral Part 1 - Basics and stages of execution
Basics and stages of execution

R3-2 Spiral Part 2 - Tips and Tricks
Tips & Tricks

R3-3 Spiral Part 3 - with spiral form
Spiral with spiral form

This is S

R4-1 This is S - Basics
Basic aspects

R4-2 This is S - Stages of execution
Stages of execution

R4-3 This is S rod-exercise Part 3- with the feet
This is S rod exercise with the feet

Qui Qui Rod Exercise

R5-1 Qui Qui - Basics and stages of execution
Basic aspects and stages of execution

R5-2 Qui Qui rod exercise Part 2- with a six-pointed star
Qui Qui rod exercise with a six pointed star

The Waterfall Rod Exercise

R6-1 Waterfall Basics
Basics - Just let go!

R6-2 Waterfall Tips and Tricks
Tips & Tricks

R6-3 big Waterfall
The Big Waterfall

R6-4 The waterfall rod-exercise Part 4- moving forwards and back-
The waterfall rod exercise moving forwards and back


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