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Widen your horizons through attentive work with your body. Our online courses allow you to experience the art of eurythmy as an opportunity to connect with your inner resources and so develop strength and security in mind and body.



Zodiac Festival 2025

Course A Beginners
Chinese, English, German, Russian

The Power Behind
My Name

23.3. to 18.5.2025
8 Sundays at 15:00 CET
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Thorough introduction to the gestures of the Zodiac, its colours and sounds. Discover them as the power within your name.

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Course B Drawing
English, German

Dynamic Zodiac Drawing

17.3. to 19.5.2025
8 Mondays at 18:00 CET
Find your time zone here

Touch the effectiveness of the Zodiac beings by moving and drawing their symbols within yourself and on paper.

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Course C Psychology

Challenging People

23.3. to 18.5.2025
8 Sundays at 18:00 CET
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Examine how disruptions occur and discover pathways within the Zodiac signs to navigate challenging situations and people.

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Course D Meditation
Chinese, German, English, Russian

The Twelve Moods

23.3. to 18.5.2025
8 Sundays at 10:00 CET
Find your time zone here

Explore the Zodiac in the reflection of the planets through forms, gestures and texts, and observe them in nature.

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Course E Therapy
English, partly German

Therapeutic Eurythmy

22.3. to 17.5.2025
8 Saturdays at 16:00 CET
Find your time zone here

Consonants and their therapeutic application. Movements and jumps against the background of the Zodiac.

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Find the exercise that
helps you NOW!


Spin the Wheel



ABSR International Homepage
  • Eurythmy4you

    “I wasn't familiar with Eurythmy, though I had been studying Rudolf Steiner's books for many years and helped on biodynamic farms. In March and April 2020 the situation here in New York had been really difficult. In March (like many other people around me) I developed some health issues and spent a whole month really suffering.
    In an effort to do something about it, I started searching for therapeutic classes / seminars online and somewhere saw the ABSR Eurythmy Program. Two weeks later, following the instructions and practicing every day, my symptoms had disappeared. What I think had changed inside me specifically, (within two weeks) was my attitude towards the reality here. I felt that from deception I walked into light!
    In the third week I started feeling more confident, in the forth week I started feeling joy, in the fifth week peace. I really never thought it would be so effective doing exercises. I feel grateful that I was given this opportunity to experience eurythmy and specifically this program. Theodor helped me to grasp the meaning behind every exercise and also make me realize the importance of doing the general exercises. I still have a way to go but this experience a new start for me. Thank you also Monika for all your support. In addition I'd like to say that the whole Program was very well organized. Also a great feeling that I was part of a whole group! I'm looking forward to participate in other programs of yours in the future.”

    June 2020

  • Eurythmy4you

    “For me the ABSR-course has been a real blessing. It had a profound influence on such spheres of my life, where I couldn't have expected it, when I decided to do it. Concerning my health, I definitely became more energetic and there also disappeared constant tension in my neck, which I felt for the last couple of years.
    But the greatest difference is in my relationship with myself. I got so much used to constant inner contradictions and conflicts, that I believed them to be normal. Thanks to the course there appeared such a deep inner peace, that is also felt like a kind of clarity, but also emptiness. I don't need to push or struggle with myself any longer. I just go and do. Still, it is a bit embarrassing. Luckily, this "emptiness" is filled with some creative work - I grew very fond of drawing those last weeks, as well as gardening. Each time I go out, seems to be my first day on the Earth! The shapes, the colors, the smells, the sounds - they astonish me greatly as if I've never seen or heard them before.
    I definitely need some time to get used to it, and create my new pace of life and overcome this kind of perplexity. But I'm definitely very glad I did the course and very grateful for that wonderful opportunity - for all the people, who organized and led the course, to the whole E4U team, as well as to everyone who participated and shared their experiences. All of them were very valuable! Thank you many times!”

    June 2020

  • Eurythmy4you

    “I started to watch and participate in eurythmy on Mondays and Fridays from May till June 2020. On Mondays working on resistance and health and on Fridays with our questions. What I experienced through time is that I feel more confident, I feel like a bigger force is carrying me, but also that I carry myself! I experience a deep gratitude. To the different exercises: I can't “think“ them, but I feel guided by Theodor, with his kind approach towards the students. I experience more dreams, more hope, My soul also feels carried by the movements and exercises. When I try to understand with my head I can't. I feel really good (even though I am moved by all the sadness in the world and in my life). I feel and know we as humans are an important “tool” for being here and being aware, to bring the forces of infinity and healing through us to earth. I hope you can understand what I write because my English is not very good. I am so grateful! I didn't feel that for so long time! It is like a blessing and “gnade” (grace) 🙏🏻 . Thanks Theodor and all the people who made this possible! I really want to join the next course in the fall. Have a nice summer and festival ❤️🙏🏻”

    June 2020

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